Charter Flights

We can arrange group tours; transportation to your favorite fishing, hunting and boating sites; and travel for weddings, birthdays, and all sorts of special occasions! Let us know where you want to go and when you want to get there.

Charter destinations around the

Seattle Seaplanes

Lake Isabel is a popular seaplane destination

We offer one-way and round trip flights to many destinations around the pacific northwest and British Columbia. Here are just some of the popular places we’ve flown our passengers:

  • Hood Canal
  • Vancouver Island
  • Lake Isabel
  • Lake Chelan
  • Columbia River
  • And more!

Put Seattle Seaplanes to work
for you!

When time is of the essence, or you need the convenience of setting your own schedule, put Seattle Seaplanes to work for you!

Contact us today for more information about charter flights.


Seattle Seaplanes is located at the southeast corner of Lake Union in Seattle. Visit us year-round from 8 a.m. until sunset Monday through Saturday, and from 9 a.m. until sunset on Sundays. We’ve been flying from Lake Union in Seattle for over 30 years! Contact us now and begin your Seaplane adventure today!