Visiting pilots, from near and far

Here's my pal Michael!


My pal Nathan and I, out at the plane!

 We had lots of friends from near and far here recently.  Experienced pilots from all over the world, here to have fun in seaplanes!   We kept the Designated Pilot Examiner, Mike, busy with three commercial-level checkrides – three professional pilots who fly land planes, but who wanted to earn their Airplane Single-Engine Sea (ASES) add-on rating.  
We had Michael, who flies airplanes for Northwest, er, I mean Delta.  And Nathan, who has flown for Alaska Airlines, (and who’s currently a “real airline pilot, because he’s on furlough.)   These guys came to fly a small airplane for some fun, and to get their seaplane ratings.
There’s my friend, Jesse, who also took his commercial ASES checkride – Jesse does lots of things with airplanes, including not only flying them, teaching in them, and fixing them, too!
And then, we got to meet, and fly with, a super nice Irish pilot named Paul, who’s in town to pick up a brand-new Boeing aircraft for his airline back in Ireland.  Paul came down for one flight, and had so much fun, he came back the next day, too!

The camera ran out of juice, so here's a tip of the hat to my friend Paul from Ireland!

I’m sorry I don’t have pictures with everybody (so, hey, guys, come back when the camera battery’s charged, eh?!)
If you’re from another part of the world, or even just around the corner, please come see us.  And,  you can earn your ASES in just a few days’ time.  We love flying with everyone from around the world!
And, if you’re a pilot from outside the USA, we can work with you, too. Just give us a call, or send us an email.
Besides, dogs speak all languages. 🙂
Toby James

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