Captain Nicole and her instructor, Kit!

My pal Dan!

John, Ron, and Kit
(**”congratulations, new seaplane pilots,” in case you don’t speak Dutch, or in case Google Translate got it wrong… what do I know, I’m a dog?!)
We’ve sure been busy around here – lots of flights, lots of checkrides!
I’ve made some great new friends, from as far away as Holland, from Kansas City, and also from nearby – southeast King County. It’s been a blast!
My friend Nicole comes from the Netherlands, and when she’s not flying seaplanes, she’s a captain for KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. She flies a great big 747-400! But she says she loves the thrill of going “low and slow” in the seaplane. I had fun playing with her children and husband, too, while she flew.
My pal Dan lives here in the Seattle area, and he visited our booth at the Pacific Northwest Aviation Trade Show last February. He took us up on our trade show offer of 10% off the ASES rating, and we’re glad he did. Dan works for the FAA, keeping an eye on towers and obstacles around here for us. Thank goodness! Lake Union is a busy place these days, with construction and so forth.
My friend Ron travelled here from Kansas City, flying his very own Piper Malibu with his partner Robin. Ron, John, and Kit all know each other from NGPA, and it was great to have him here for the float rating training. Ron worked with my best buddy Greg, who was in town for a few weeks – (Greg lives in Florida year-round now, but visits us during the summer to get away from the heat!)
So, you see, you can live here in Seattle or come to us from far away – come fly with us, and get your seaplane rating, too!
Toby James