Hey gang,
Sorry it’s been a while – I’ve been busy chasing geese!
Anyway, we’re well into spring here on the lake, and we’re ramping up for a great season. What’s really exciting, though, is we have a ringside seat for one of the biggest parties in Seattle this year: the 50th anniversary of the 1962 World’s Fair! That’s when they built the Seattle Center, and its crown jewel, the Space Needle. And I can see it right from our dock!!
Known as the Century 21 Exposition, the Seattle World’s Fair introduced the world to the Pacific Northwest in a big way, putting Seattle “on the map” as it were. It featured a glimpse into the future (mid-20th-century style, that is), and even gave inspiration to a movie starring Elvis!! “It Happened At the World’s Fair“ (they shoulda had Elvis star as a seaplane pilot, though) Wow!
The 50th birthday celebration is ramping up now, and the first touch is painting the Space Needle a retro golden color. Here I am checking it out from our dock:
The fun’s going to go on throughout the spring and summer, so why not take a flight with us? You can get the best pictures in the world of a world’s fair celebration!
Toby James