Click here to see a beautiful shot of people having fun at Lake Union. Photo courtesy of Wonderlane, Flickr Creative Commons
Hey, everybody,
You might have heard that it snowed in Seattle recently. Well, yeah, it did. A lot. And when it snows in Seattle, things shut down. Not just schools, but whole businesses. Everybody battens down the hatches, and then grabs the gear for playing in the snow! It’s a time for most people to turn into kids again. Sledding down the (many) hills, cross-country skiing through the neighborhood, snowmen everywhere…. and hot cocoa afterwards!
I confess, my “brother” and I spent most of the time inside the house during this recent storm. I’m all for having a great time in the snow, but he prefers to be inside where it’s warm and dry.
Here’s my “dad” on our dock
We’re flying now, though, and ready to take you where you want to go!
Meanwhile, if you think we’re snow wimps here in Seattle, I invite you to read this. Says it better than I could!
Toby James